In Austin, San Antonio, throughout Central Texas and now internationally through Skype, Qigong Master John Yong So offers hands on healing and Qigong acupressure to treat many chronic conditions. He also teaches Qigong and Tai Chi. Dr. Yong So also received his Doctor's degree in Oriental Medicine in South Korea and the United States. As a Qigong Master he successfully integrates the 2,000 year Oriental medical tradition with Qigong’s 4,000 year history of healing and health.
Thursday, February 26, 2015
Master So, “The 4,000 year old Qigong practices are based on accompanying Taoist metaphysical principles which arguably Western sciences lacks.”
All Qigong practices conform with the Taoist primary principles.
Evidence of Universal Chi are everywhere.
Time tested over four millennium, qigong practices (some effects were recently corroborated by Harvard MRI studies) are based on the concepts found in the ancient "Tao te Ching", the "Book of the Way" (Tao) by Lao-Tzu.
Master So, demonstrates the Basic Qigong Thrust movement activating the Thrust Channel by deep breathing technique.
Western science which is an amalgam of facts, observations and theories or laws, has no strong underlying principle. Arguably many of its disciplines are actually contradictory. As are, astrophysics and quantum mechanics. Mathematical and predictive formulas from one do not work when applied to the other. They lack an underlying concept that governs both the galaxies and atoms. Albert Einstein sought it and Stephen Hawkins still pursues it.
To the country, all Qigong practices conform with the Taoist primary principals the of balance of yin-yang energy and its Universal force - the Chi.
For complete information on healing treatments and classes click.